Thursday, June 12, 2008

Blankety Blank...

Gap fill exercise on Bangladesh. Once again, thanks to Penny Parry for this activity...
Do you know your onions ?Fill words in the blanks (Use Resource 9) -

In Bangladesh _______ jobs in the textile and ____________ industries produce items for sale in _______ and __________. Most workers are ___________, aged between _____ and ______, working between _____ and _____ hours a ______.

Unskilled workers take home _____ taka, or £_____ a month, but many are not paid ___ ______. Working conditions are poor: for example __________________________________________ and many managers do not allow _____ _______ to be formed.

(15 marks) - use the information in the booklet.

Bonus point if you identify the person in the picture...


Anonymous said...

I think the lady with the funny expression is Wendy Craig?!


Alan Parkinson said...

Well done Frankie !