Theme is "the Environment"
Add a comment to the blog post which is on the theme of the ENVIRONMENT
Could be one of these formats, or one of your own choice...
a) What most worries you about the environment: local, national or global ?
b) Which environmental story has had most impact on you in the last year ?
c) What steps do you take to reduce your impact on the environment ?
d) Which environmental themes do you think should form part of the Geography or Citizenship or General Studies course ?
e) Tell us about an environmental story you have been involved in....
Or one of your choice.
Click the COMMENT button and write your comment - don't forget to include your name...
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c) What steps do you take to reduce your impact on the environment ?
i try to recycle as much of my rubbish as i can. we have two separate refuse bins outside of our house; one green for recyclables and one black for general waste.
Also in our back garden we have a compost bin for any food products that can be broken down through a natural process rather than putting it in a bin.
we do all of this in aid of the future and what would happen if we did not help the environment.
I get so confused with all the different stories about global warming. Most people say it's something big that will affect us all but they can never decide on the particulars of it. Different people say there are different causes for it ranging from cows to aeroplanes, where some swear that cars have nothing to do with it and others say they are the root cause. It gets so confusing with the shock tactics they show on television adverts then the next day on the news you hear some scientist disagreeing with everything it says. The majority agree that it is a rising problem but there are still others who proclaim that there's no such thing! I just wish that they could all make their minds up so that we can make a difference that will actually work.
One of the things that concerns me with the issues of environment is the consequences of our actions on others across the globe. In England, a rise or fall in temperature won't have too much of an effect on us, but by leaving the tap running or keeping the telly on standby, it could have massive implications on people in other countries, in countries like Africa a rise in temperature will cause all sorts of famine and devastation. Though we may not feel the full effects of our actions, someone will.
The thing that most worries me about the enviroment is the extent to which it is being destroyed by us. The forests and rainforests are being destroyed for our benefit and we are increasingly poisoning our atmosphere and as a result the temperature is increasing and we are seeing more and more species becoming extinct. This all has huge repurcussions around the globe in the form of ice caps melting and severe droughts and its mainly due to the "it doesnt affect us" attitude of humanity when all we have to do is take simple steps such as not leaving the tap running or recylcing to make a difference.
Thanks for all the comments so far. Any more ?
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