Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Cultural Jamming

I recommend that you read this excellent posting on Tony Cassidy's weblog which looks at the way that some people take advertisements and alter them to create an alternative message.
The point that is being made is that we define ourselves by what we buy, and advertising is becoming so ubiquitous that we are in danger of not realising how much it affects us...

YouTube has a range of old ads - check out the prices on these Tesco ones - and how the nature of the ads has changed:

to this style at the moment...

And to finish, worth a mention to Sao Paulo, where all public ads have been removed. There's an excellent FLICKR slideshow produced by Tony deMarco HERE.


Anonymous said...

Ski at 7.5 pence... I remember the prices stickers on items and getting very told off for swopping some around for a laugh....

Alan Parkinson said...

There was a knack to this - you had to find a sticker that was just low enough to be reasonable so that you could get away with it - not that I did that of course...
Once found a roll of blank stickers in the bins out the back of a local supermarket and had a lot of fun which would probably get me an ASBO these days... ;)