Monday, April 23, 2007

3rd Piece of Coursework

Once again, I need to publicly state my gratitude to Paula Cooper, and other colleagues at King Edward VI 5 Ways School for their generosity in sharing their assessment for People as Consumers via the GEOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION website.
I have adapted this for KES pupils, and added / subtracted as necessary to meet the constraints of time, and the slightly different slant that we have placed on the topic, and the terminology used with the students.
The final deadline for having ALL THREE pieces of coursework with myself or Mrs. Clarke is

Pilot GCSE: People as Consumers : Year 10 Coursework instructions

What are the consumption patterns of pupils at KES

What are the spatial consequences of this consumption ?

In this coursework your job is to answer these BIG questions. You should work through the following stages to answer the questions. To start with you may work with the class, then in groups and eventually individually. However, be prepared to bring in your own original ideas at any time as this can earn you mega-marks!

Before you start, make sure that you understand the meaning of ‘consumption’ and ‘consumption patterns’ and ‘spatial consequences’. Read the weblog for more detail.

STAGE 1 (done over Easter)

a) Design and administer a questionnaire to find out about the consumption by KES pupils.

b) Carry out a very short piece of primary data collection of your very own (Ideas! Interview a family member or one or more class mates).

c) Write a brief justification of the questionnaire and your own data collection (Why did we ask the questions we did? Why did we ask some but not all pupils? How did we choose the ones to ask? What type of questions did we ask? What data collection did you choose and why?) – this needs to be done if you have not already done it…


STAGE 2 (to be done in the computer lesson next week)

a) Work in groups to collate the raw primary data from the questionnaires.

b) Present this data in graphical form. (To gain top marks try to: Use three different types of graph for three different questions or types of data. Use ICT to present the graphs and data).

c) Write a brief description of, and comment on, what the graphs show about pupil consumption and possible consequences – OR BETTER STILL! – annotate the graphs to make them into LIVING GRAPHS.

Your teacher will explain this last step. It is a way of annotating graphs to make them more relevant to the data they are showing.

STAGE 3 (to be done in the computer lesson in 2 weeks time – or before)

This will be completed under exam conditions in one lesson.

a) Use annotation, colour shading, symbols and arrows to show the possible ‘geographical reach’ or in other words, the spatial consequences/impacts of the pupil consumption patterns that you have discovered.

b) You could focus on showing the consequences suggested by one of your graphs or of one of the questions, or you could try to show a range of consequences of pupil consumption.

c) You may use the base maps provided or you may design your own ‘impacts web’. The base maps will be given to you next week, but they are basically a choice of map of either the UK, Europe or the World, on different scales.


1) Brief written justification of the primary data collection methods (see Stage 1 Part c).

2) Graphs with brief written comment, to show your findings (see Stage 2 Parts b and c).

3) Annotated maps or ‘impacts web’ to show the Geographical Reach of the consumption of KES pupils. This relates to the places which your consumption reaches or affects.


Try to show you understand these key concepts, use these words as often and as appropriately as you can.

  • Uneven development
  • Interdependence
  • Globalisation
  • Impacts of our actions

Aim to achieve work that matches these descriptions:

  • Select and use more complex and appropriate skills, approaches and techniques to collect and analyse primary data and questions/issues with little guidance (i.e. use a number of types of graph and diagram appropriately, design your own data collection method well).
  • Clearly communicate with a good understanding of the intended audience (i.e. use good and detailed annotation and map techniques).
  • Make selective and appropriate use of ICT information sources and systems (do some graphs using Excel, use ICT to organise information, use the internet to find helpful information).

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