Friday, November 24, 2006

King's Lynn-opoly

Quick reminder that this DVD is released next month - we never got to see it in King's Lynn for more than a few showings, and I will buy a copy for the Geography department. Why not click through to Amazon from the GeographyPages bookshop and buy a copy or two...

OK, so after a lesson spent looking at the UK and researching images (remember that you need to find 10 for the UK, 5 for Norfolk and 5 for King's Lynn - we'll complete this next time), we spent some time looking at what is MY PLACE...
It will be interesting to see what you come up with as your typical English images!

I started with a PhotoJam of King's Lynn, continued by a quiz about King's Lynn: 12 questions - most of you did fairly badly, but you did recognise the point of the quiz - I'd missed out several important buildings which you thought SHOULD have been in there.

Monopoly is a great board game. It is, of course, protected by lots of copyright legislation...
We know that there are hundreds of varieties of Monopoly which have been developed over the years... We are going to develop some ideas for a King's Lynn version of the boardgame.

World of Monopoly is a great site to give you some ideas - keep refreshing the page for more pictures of different versions of the game.
I then showed you the format using the board game I have which is pictured below:Reminder:
  • decide on 9 streets / buildings arranged in sets / colours
  • decide on a price (if maximum price is £1000)

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