We have been looking at the
VELIB scheme in Paris.
Take a look at this useful
SCRIBD document too, which contains a useful FAQ on the scheme. You need to consider whether this scheme could work in King's Lynn. If so, how could it be planned to work ? Where would you place the cycle stations ? What potential problems could there be ? How sustainable is the scheme ?
Read this
article from the TIMES, which goes through some of the issues that the scheme is now facing.
Does this item focus on the good aspects or bad aspects of the scheme ?
What are the impacts of Velib on encouraging cycling ? Cycling deaths are apparently well down, and there have been a total of 27 million Velib trips.
Also thanks to SLN member Plene for pointing out
THIS ARTICLE which has some useful information on
SVALBARD: a good focus for an
It starts:
It is forbidden to die in the Arctic town of Longyearbyen.
Should you have the misfortune to fall gravely ill, you can expect to be despatched by aeroplane or ship to another part of Norway to end your days.
And if you are terminally unlucky and succumb to misfortune or disease, no-one will bury you here.
Why do you think that might be ?