Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Pre Release 2008
We have been looking at Broadmead and Cribb's Causeway.
Don't forget the resources on TONY's PAGES, particularly the Half a Min game.
Good luck with your exams this week.
Remember that we have another 4 or 5 weeks to work on the pre-release booklet - it hasn't got to be done in a hurry !
I am going over to Norwich tomorrow to meet other Norfolk Geography colleagues to talk about the best ways to prepare you for the pre-release...
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Coursework request
Year 11
Sustainable Transport Magazine
Multicultural UK response (including cultural objects)
Global Culture vs Local Culture
Your contribution to the presentation on King's Lynn, and the ways that different groups of people might view the town.
Year 10
Svalbard piece and poster
My Place: improving an area in the town to make it more sustainable (plus pyramid)
People as Consumers
Also a reminder to check out the materials on TONY CASSIDY's blog. Check the tabs at the top of the screen for appropriate resources, particularly the new PRE RELEASE MATERIALS - these are ideal for Year 10 to look at during Work Experience...
The sooner you get this to us the better...
We want to give you the best possible mark...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Special Day today...
Update: St. George's Day - very much part of our image of Englishness, but how English was St. George (according to Billy Bragg's 'England, Half English' he was 'from the Lebanon')
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Pilot Pre-Release Materials Lesson 1
Broadmead Shopping Centre, Bristol City Centre
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Mark Beaumont
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Food Stories
First was the announcement of Tesco's huge profits of £2.8 billion....
This article in the BBC NEWS reports further.
Just been reading in "Real England" (which I've mentioned before) about the planning battle in Sheringham that I have also reported elsewhere before... The Real England blog is worth reading as it is updated regularly with interesting stories and links, such as THIS ONE to the Daily Telegraph's lead article on the continued decline of RURAL ENGLAND, particularly useful for AS / A2...
The second story relates to an item to be on tonight's NEWSNIGHT about the shameful amount of food that we waste in the UK, despite all the issues related to food security and food costs...
This BBC ARTICLE has more details, and would be a good basis for debate.
"Is it wrong to leave your crusts ?"
Householders chuck out 6.7m tonnes of unwanted food every year at a cost to us of £8bn. That's the equivalent of chucking out one bag of food for every three that we buy.
Around 40% of that is fresh fruit and veg - nearly 4.5m apples, and more than 5m potatoes and 1.5m bananas.
Oh, and a final new BBC NEWS article is saying that SEA LEVEL will rise much faster than previously forecast... Anyone want to buy a house near the Norfolk coast ?
Multimedia Presentations: Year 11
Monday, April 14, 2008
Pilot GCSE in the news
The exam specifications are all changing from 2009, so the Pilot will be disappearing and reappearing in a new slightly altered format which is described in this article. It's nice to have been in at the beginning...
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Coursework Deadlines !
This is now getting serious, as the Pilot is mostly marked on the quality of the coursework. All the details have posted on numerous occasions on this blog.
Please help yourself get the best possible mark...
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Commercialism and Young People
BBC News site has all the details.
A recent poll carried out for the Children's Society suggested that most adults in the UK did believe that children's well-being was being damaged because childhood had become too commercial.
Children's Secretary Ed Balls said: "As parents we all worry about new influences, and feel pressure to buy the latest toys for our children.
"I want to know if advertising and shopping, and other influences such as media and entertainment, marketing and promotion, commercial websites, and sponsored events are affecting our children's lives in any way.
"I want to know what these things are telling young people about how to behave, what to believe, and what kind of person to become."
It's important that you take part in this, by clicking THIS LINK and answering the questions.You might also have an extra day to revise for Geography on the 24th of April.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Pre Release 2008
The first aspect is about the difference between in town and out of town shopping and the effect that a large shopping mall like Cribbs Causeway can have on a place. Also need to consider the difference in the PATTERNS OF CONSUMPTION that are involved, and the fact that each of these places is what we call a LANDSCAPE of consumption.
Tony has put up the first of a few planned HALF A MIN games on the KEY TERMS from the pre-release booklet.
The Arctic is also now warming up so quickly that IGLOOS are becoming a thing of the past...
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Car Footprint
from National Geographic website