Just finishing off the last Pilot lesson before the Christmas break by doing some Simpsons related follow up, and also uploading presentations to my Slideshare page from the lesson on "10 Images of the UK" task.
Also been reading about the new PERSONAL RAPID TRANSIT system which is going to be installed at Heathrow airport for the opening of the new terminal. The route is shown on the map below - they look and sound excellent, and I look forward to seeing these in lots of places over the next decade (maybe...)

As part of this last post, I need to draw your attention to a few interesting stories on the BBC News page related to PEOPLE AS CONSUMERS unit.
The CARBON COST of Christmas Food looks at FOOD MILES.
The Soil Association takes up this theme, and also has some materials looking ahead to the OLYMPICS and the food that is produced for the competitors and spectators. You can download a report on this theme with a nice olympic ring themed logo...

BBC NEWS 24 is having about a MAD ABOUT FOOD season where they are featuring reports about food issues.

One very useful resource is a Nielsen report on ETHICAL SHOPPING.
Also worth reading a fascinating photo story on how JAPAN is having problems feeding itself owing to its reliance on exports and the growing cost of food production, partly related to the biofuels issue.
So, have a very happy holiday and see you in 2008 !

Image under Creative Commons License from FLICKR user riptheskull