Sunday, October 07, 2007

Work for Year 10 - Tuesday 9th October

Morning Year 10...
I am due to be at a conference today at Gressenhall talking about SEN and ICT in Geography, so I am not here, as you will have noticed...
Plan for today is to add any further details to your e-portfolio slides related to the ENQUIRY QUESTIONS which we have set up...

Holly - I managed to get your work back from the backup, so you should find most of it in your folder - thanks to Mr. Fawcett for that.

If you have completed the tasks, there are a couple of new areas for you to investigate:

1. Can you research WHY there are days of complete darkness and 24 hour daylight once you get above the Arctic Circle ? Include some illustrations in your answer...
2. Can you suggest why this extreme of light is likely to cause problems for people and animals ?
3. Last year, we followed the journeys of an American student called Laurel McFadden, who spent a year living in the Arctic in Canada, Greenland, Svalbard and Russia.Check out her COLD PHOTO weblog to see plenty of fab pictures such as the one above...
Posts such as THIS ONE show the landscape in the dark, and also provide some information about UNIS: the University in Svalbard.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for retrieveing my work.

Alan Parkinson said...

No problem.
Would be good to see other student comments on this lesson so that I know what was achieved in my absence...