Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Year 11 Transport

We spent some time last lesson looking at the link between CITY GROWTH and TRANSPORT.
Started with a definition of transport.
"The movement of goods and people from one place to another.."
Suggested that sometimes a VEHICLE of some kind is needed.

Looked at link with the way that we started to live together: settlement sites at crossroads, bridges, gap points in ridges etc.

Looked at the influence of transport on the growth of places like LONDON.

Of course, London is not necessarily an ideal location for a settlement...

We finished by looking at the trend for COMMUTING.
This is now a common daily movement of people (technically, it's a type of migration, which is known as CIRCULATION)

What are the issues created by commuting ?
How can we reduce the number of cars on the roads during the ironically named "rush" hours... ?

This week, I also got a parcel in the post.
It was my pack to go with this Sunday's LONDON FREEWHEEL: "The Day of the Bicycles": a nice bib to wear (in case I drop my packed lunch down my front..) and a cycle bell (Ding Ding !) along with a map of the route.
Check out the route at the website.

"Freewheel is better than four..."

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