Monday, March 26, 2007

People as Consumers

The cartoonist (John Ditchburn) always retains copyright of the cartoons. No cartoon can be resold in any form. Free for educational non-profit use from
Reproduced with thanks !

We are going to start this topic later in the week, so that you can get cracking on some data analysis before the end of half term. You will need to go out and collect data (remember that it isn't information until you add a meaning and a context...)


  • What does it mean to be a consumer ?
  • Consumption has spatial and environmental consequences depending on what choices are made as to what to consume
  • What are your own consumption patterns ?
  • How do they compare with others ?
  • What are the consequences of consumer choices ?

You are going to be keeping a consumption diary...
As an example of what this can involve, I spent one Sunday recording everything that I consumed.
This can be seen on the GeographyPages website Pilot GCSE pages.

You will also be doing a 3rd piece of coursework.
I am once again grateful to Paula Cooper and colleagues at the King Edward VI 5Ways School Birmingham for providing a framework for the coursework that we will be completing.

Over half term you need to do some data collection. This will be explained in the lesson later this week.
You need to think about the global impacts of your consumption as well as the impact on the local environment.

As always, you need to show a bit of creativity if you want to earn full marks for this coursework.

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