Sunday, February 25, 2007

2nd Coursework Task

LA21 - Local Agenda 21 is about:
"everyone of us taking responsibility for present actions and working towards bringing about changes so that we may secure a better future for all..."

Pilot GCSE: My Place

Based on work produced by Paula Cooper and colleagues at King Edward VI 5 Ways School and posted on GA website. Many thanks ! As with the first piece of coursework this will provide challenge for all, and the best scores for those who follow the assessment advice carefully !

Year 10 Coursework instructions (for the teacher)

This task is the second of three that will be completed during Year 10 to form the coursework element of the short course and will be put into your portfolio. The work will be internally assessed. The emphasis is on the concepts of SUSTAINABILITY and possible FUTURES.

The task provides opportunities to assess AO1 and AO2 (see attached sheets).


Pupils are to present a map with overlay and an accompanying brief report to show how they might redesign their home area in King’s Lynn to make it more sustainable and improve life for local people. It also needs to take into account the thoughts of the people you have collected data from using a questionnaire.


  • One lesson to introduce and discuss the task and to obtain an appropriate map.
  • Two lessons and two homeworks to plan and complete the annotated plan.
  • To be completed in the early part of the second half term of the SPRING term, ready for handing in by Mid March.

Source of maps Get a Map service – better images for King’s Lynn than Google Earth – other areas may be different….

  • Pupils may be given choice over the area they choose but advise them that it should be large enough to allow them to present a range of ideas. Encourage pupils to focus on an area they know. They should focus on their home area, the area that they will have chosen and investigated in the early part of the course.
  • Map selection could be set as a private study task or could take place during a lesson in an IT room.
  • The selected map should be printed on A4 paper and may include a small aerial photo to complement the map.



  • Pupil instruction sheet.
  • Mark scheme for staff (to come – will be same structure as first one…)
  • Pupils friendly mark scheme (How to make your coursework outstandingly brilliant).

Geography Pilot GCSE Coursework Part 2

Sustainability and a possible future for your local area

Your task is to redesign part of your local area in King’s Lynn to make it a more sustainable urban area and enact Local Agenda 21 (LA21). You should aim to improve life for people in the area and meet the 13 statements outlined.

You must produce an annotated overlay map and a brief supporting report to present and justify your design

The map

Demonstrate your ideas by producing an overlay map to show the key changes you would make.

· Your overlay map should show three to five key changes. The changes must be linked and work together (integrated), they may be radical but realistic.

· Remember to use your creativity as far as you can

· You may show these changes using shading and symbols (so remember a key!).

The map must be annotated to describe and briefly justify the changes you propose. This annotation can be done using ICT and ‘call outs’ (I demonstrated these to you…)

The report

Write a 500 word report to support and fully justify your proposals. You should aim to develop the points you made in the annotation in more detail (but don’t simply repeat).

For each proposed change you must:

· Explain why you chose it for this area.

· Explain why it is sustainable (why it supports Local Agenda 21) – and which of the 13 statements it relates to

· Describe how it would benefit people and the environment in the area.

· Show how it is linked to the other ideas - they should be integrated! You could, for example, choose a theme for your work. This might relate to the concerns that have been identified by the people who live in the area

· Suggest how the ideas might influence the future of the area.

You may, if you prefer tabulate the report on A4 paper to save time and use words efficiently. For example:

Recommended change

Reasons why chosen for this area

Reasons why it is sustainable and why it supports LA 21

Ways in which it would benefit people and the Environment

Links to other ideas (annotated arrows?)




Description of alternative future of the area if these changes were made.

NAME: _______________________________

How to make your coursework outstandingly brilliant …

Try to make it match the description below.

Use the annotated tips to help you.

Tick the circles as you achieve each one in your work.


  • Show good knowledge and understanding of sustainability and possible futures.

  • Describe sustainability and sustainable ideas in detail with good supporting arguments.

  • Show you are aware of a range of sustainable ideas.

  • Present a range of interconnected ideas.


  • Write about your area and the changes in detail.

  • Refer to other people’s views of your place and proposed changes.

  • Justify your personal view of the area and the world.

  • Check your writing is coherent and arguments make sense, they may even be complex.

  • Show you understand familiar and unfamiliar situations.

  • Use ICT at appropriate points.


  • Use more complex skills of annotation and mapping skills.

  • Communicate as clearly as possible.


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